a convertible through Iowa

I’m cheap. Everyone knows it and tells me all about it. But it’s kind of an oxymoron because people close to me also call me I’m “Booshie” – a millennial term that is slang for a person who really likes fancy shit. And it’s true. I do like fancy shit.

Here’s the thing, I think most of us are this way, and it just depends on what we prioritize in our lives. Some people spend their money on day-to day luxuries like quality clothes and makeup. Or on expensive food at luxurious restaurants. Or on the most beautiful homes that are manicured by a team.

For me, it is fun. I will spend every last dollar I have if I know that I am going to gain some kind of experience from it because I value my happiness more than I value a dollar. You just can’t put a price tag on a quality belly laugh or an experience that literally makes you gasp in wonderment. And if I was only cheap (and not booshie) I would have missed out on so many experiences that have profoundly impacted my life.

You just can’t put a price tag on a quality belly laugh or an experience that literally makes you gasp in wonderment.

I am not by any means saying that one should blow money they don’t have. I am, however, recommending that we find the things that bring joy and happiness into our lives and spend our hard-earned dollars on more of those things, whatever that may be for you.

There was a time in my life that I was so concerned about money and not having enough that I honestly think I manifested unfortunate events because the story I kept telling myself was that there was never enough. I lived in scarcity. I thought about money all the time, stressed about it, lost sleep over it, sat on the sidelines of life because of it. And just when I’d think I was ok, something else would happen that would require more money. Bad tires, traffic tickets, visits to the doctor’s office, theft and more theft…you name it, it happened, constantly preventing me from ever achieving my ideal financial comfort zone that I felt was needed before I could go experience life. Looking back, it was almost as if I created it. By always thinking there was never enough, there really was never enough.

The older, more booshie me has realized the importance of enjoying the small things in life, even when they cost money. When we live with an abundance mindset, we attract abundance. The more we let go of the scarcity mindset, the more the universe freely gives. It gives abundantly in all aspects…happiness, joy, peace. Most people think about abundance in terms of finances, but I will challenge that…

Reducing abundance to only monetary gain is, in fact, a mindset of scarcity in and of itself.

That is why when an opportunity presents itself to experience something new and exciting, I’m all in. I try to look at every opportunity as a way to add to my experience here on earth.

And this is how I ended up driving a convertible through Iowa.

“Yes, it’s a little more,” I told my husband. “but how much fun is it going to be driving through the cornfields in a small commuter car or a minivan?” Don’t get me wrong, Dave can rock a minivan like nobody’s business, but we had never experienced a convertible before, and with three kids, this was our shot. So we did it. And it was THE BEST.

To drown out the noise of the freeway, the music was so loud that we couldn’t talk to one another, we couldn’t analyze, we couldn’t discuss what’s going on with the kids, we couldn’t contemplate how we messed up or what we should be doing. Instead, we just were. We were one hundred percent in the moment. The wind blew my hair into a wad of tight tangles. We sang so loud that our voices were raspy. We looked at the scenery, pointing when something caught our eye. We looked at one another, words not having to be spoken, and smiled in mutual wonderment. We noticed the rev of the engine when we accelerated. We read billboards. We let our hair down figuratively and literally. We lived. We were free.

The more we seek out ways to amplify our happiness, the more it becomes a part of who we are. Seek ways to feel good, whatever that is for you. And if you don’t know, do something random, out of character. Ride a bike when you can drive. Try golf. Rent a moped. Check out paddle boarding. Dance when you really don’t know how. And just laugh. Because laughing is living.


Because laughing is living.

Questions for you to ponder this week…

When was the last time you did something out of the ordinary to amplify your happiness?

Have you carved out time for yourself to explore all that life has to offer?

And lastly, have you ever rented a convertible?

Now, I want to hear from you!

a penny for your thoughts?

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